Meet your customers' demands with an ecommerce website
Customer shopping habits have been shifting for some time, but the past 18 months have really expedited the pace of change.
Packard Industries has been serving the antique car hobby enthusiast for over 50 years. Through their companies Rebuilders Choice, PST Suspension and Kanter Auto Products, Packard provides parts for vehicles from the 1930’s to the 1980’s, specializing in both the usual and the unusual.
Customer shopping habits have been shifting for some time, but the past 18 months have really expedited the pace of change.
'Enterprise Resource Planning’ is a term that was coined in the 1960’s but the software that we know today really only developed in the 1990’s....
As a longstanding partner to the builders' merchants sector, we’re thrilled to be participating in the BMF Members' Day Annual Conference and Awards...