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Celebrating Breast Cancer Awareness Month

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, which seeks to raise awareness for breast cancer and honor those affected by the disease.

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Two hands holding the pink cancer ribbon.

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, which seeks to raise awareness for breast cancer as well as recognize and honor those affected by the disease. According to the CDC, around 240,000 women and 2,100 men are diagnosed with breast cancer each year. This makes the disease the second most common cancer among women in the United States.

Founded in 1985 in part by the American Cancer Society, Breast Cancer Awareness Month is an integral part of the fight against breast cancer. After almost four decades, we continue to devote this part of the year to raising awareness about prevention, detection and care.

Raising awareness is a key goal of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, but it’s also about more than that. This month is about getting involved in the fight against breast cancer – whether that’s through donations, education or simply encouraging those around you to get screened.

This October, join Kerridge Commercial Systems (KCS) in combatting breast cancer as we raise funds for, a nonprofit dedicated to providing reliable, complete and up-to-date information about breast cancer. The organization’s mission is to help people make better-informed health decisions by giving them the necessary tools to navigate breast cancer's complex medical and personal elements.

KCS has set up a GoFundMe to raise money for Join us in making a difference by donating here. Even a small contribution can make a big impact, and we will match every donation!

A few other meaningful things you can do this Breast Cancer Awareness Month include:

  • Focus on support: Identify organizations around you that focus on providing those affected and their loved ones with the resources and support they need. This support can be funding treatment or prevention, but it can also be things like wigs, gas cards or exercise classes.

  • Donate to research: Research plays a critical role in the fight against breast cancer. Donating to initiatives dedicated to research, its impact and clinical application can be a great way to honor Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

  • Help out at your local chemotherapy center: Making a difference doesn’t require monetary donations. Local chemotherapy centers often need other forms of support such as clothes donations, writing cards for patients or volunteers to drive patients to chemotherapy appointments.

  • Participate in a breast cancer walk or run: Throughout this month, countless runs or walks are hosted for communities to show their support for breast cancer awareness while raising funds. One example is the Susan G. Komen Foundation’s Run for the Cure

  • Educate yourself and others: Promote education about early-stage breast cancer and metastatic breast cancer. New research findings and clinical trials happen throughout the year, and it’s important to check in with breast cancer organizations to ensure you have up-to-date information. Encourage those around you who may be at risk to get screened and educate themselves about the importance of early detection.

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